Jak bude OpenBook působit navenek záleží na výběru rolet. Vybrali jsme ty tmavé, snad dorazí brzy.
The finalization of the exterior depends on the choice of exterior shutters. We decided for the dark ones, hope to get them soon!
Manty, jak říkáme lamelám před okny ve hřbetě, byly tak těžké, že jsme se báli, aby se OpenBook nepřevrátil. Ale zemní vruty drží dobře! Klempíř odvedl dobrou práci.
Grrr. Mantas - how we call the backside window lamellae - were so heavy, we thaught OpenBook is going to make a somersault backwards. Fortunately, ground screws holding up well. Well done, locksmith!
Grrr. Mantas - how we call the backside window lamellae - were so heavy, we thaught OpenBook is going to make a somersault backwards. Fortunately, ground screws holding up well. Well done, locksmith!
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