Další den byl dokončen rastr střechy. Bůh stvořil svět za 6 dní, stejně tak jako my kostru OpenBooku.
Just a day later was finished the roof construction! The God created a world in 6 days so as we did with the OpenBook skeleton.
Skelet | Walls skeleton
Základna | The Base
OpenBook už má základní rastr podlahy s tepelnou izolací ECOSE od Knauf Insulations. Skelná vata je materiál šetrný k prostředí, využívá obnovitelné přírodní zdroje. Do stěn přijde dřevovláknitá izolace.
OpenBook already have the basic grid of the floor with the termal insulation - ECOSE Technology by Knauf Insulation. Insulation of glass wool was always considered the best insulation material in terms of impact on the environment. The main raw materials used for production are silica sand and recycled glass - renewable and abundant natural resources.
OpenBook already have the basic grid of the floor with the termal insulation - ECOSE Technology by Knauf Insulation. Insulation of glass wool was always considered the best insulation material in terms of impact on the environment. The main raw materials used for production are silica sand and recycled glass - renewable and abundant natural resources.
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