Zaklopení střechy a hrubá stavba je hotová.
Well done! The exterior building construction completed!
Létající OpenBook | Flying OpenBook
Patka sloupu | A special column base
Rastr | Roof construction
Skelet | Walls skeleton
Základna | The Base
OpenBook už má základní rastr podlahy s tepelnou izolací ECOSE od Knauf Insulations. Skelná vata je materiál šetrný k prostředí, využívá obnovitelné přírodní zdroje. Do stěn přijde dřevovláknitá izolace.
OpenBook already have the basic grid of the floor with the termal insulation - ECOSE Technology by Knauf Insulation. Insulation of glass wool was always considered the best insulation material in terms of impact on the environment. The main raw materials used for production are silica sand and recycled glass - renewable and abundant natural resources.
OpenBook already have the basic grid of the floor with the termal insulation - ECOSE Technology by Knauf Insulation. Insulation of glass wool was always considered the best insulation material in terms of impact on the environment. The main raw materials used for production are silica sand and recycled glass - renewable and abundant natural resources.
Zemní vruty | Ground screws
OpenBook bude založen na 14. zemních vrutech. To znamená, že není potřeba realizovat drahé zemní výkopy, a pozemek nebude znehodnocen tunami betonu. Rychlá a chystrá konstrukce, zabralo nám to pouhé dvě hodiny.
OpenBook will be based on 14 ground screws. That means there were no digging foundation pits, any concrete in the ground devaluating the site. Fast construction (2h) and smart.
OpenBook will be based on 14 ground screws. That means there were no digging foundation pits, any concrete in the ground devaluating the site. Fast construction (2h) and smart.
Pozemek | Site for OpenBook
Od skici... | At the beginig, there was just a sketch...
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