Social Icons


Od skici... | At the beginig, there was just a sketch...

Jak se z této skici stane dům? Sleduj tento blog a uvidíš.
How are we going to convert this sketch into the reality? Follow this blog!


Firma | Company

Cambium-Projects s.r.o.
Stržná 292/57b
165 00 Praha 6 - Suchdol
IČ: 24694878, DIČ: CZ24694878

Kontakt | Contact

Ing. Lubomír Krov, Ph.D.: +420 723 311 804
Ing. arch. Julie Krovová: +420 732 539 794

Vzorový OpenBook:
Čisovice 254, 252 04 Čisovice
Kudy k nám? | How to get there?